This has been brewing in me for a bit. I hope it makes sense. Here goes:
Q uses a handful of phrases in the drops repeatedly:
'Be the autists we know you are.'
'This board has more power than you can imagine.'
'Do you believe?'
'Expand your thinking.'
'You THE PEOPLE need to remember how to PLAY.'
'You THE PEOPLE have the POWER.'
'They don't fear you.'
'You have so much more than you know!'
'Not looking close enough!'
'Together you are strong.'
We know the Q drops work on multiple levels, like peeling an onion.
I would like to get to the core of that sweet vegetable that can make us cry.
What are we missing? OUR FAITH. Our collective WILL. The will of KEK. We look inside, find and recognize our personal sovereign power, combine it, and use God to help POTUS, Q, and our good men and women to slay the evil of darkness.
During the 2016 election Q asks:
'What miscalculation occurred?
(They did not recognize POWER of chan autists.)
How did POTUS recognize and invert?'
(POTUS is an autist and recognized the POWER. He claimed the power.)
I watched, I lurked, as KEK willed it. As God willed it!
I know, and THEY know, the power of this board.
POTUS recognized it too.
Q+ are counting on this power and we can expedite things if we remember this power daily.
FOCUS on this power.
The chans were a major part of getting POTUS elected.
The collective WILL of the HIVE MIND.
The collective WILL of the HIVE MIND was enough to overcome the dark powers of the cabal.
The collective WILL of the HIVE MIND spoke for the untold millions of disenfranchised AMERICANS.
It gave them strength to come together, in God's name, and FIGHT for our country.
Q ASKED: 'WHAT HOLDS EVERYTHING TOGETHER?' re the cabal. The short answer? 'EVIL.'
Q and the Bible remind us: 'GOOD WILL ALWAYS DEFEAT EVIL.'
Q: Light will …
SO WE GO TO THE 40,000 ft v:
'You are the voice.'
The one thing I know that was hardest for me to learn and accept, but that works undoubtedly, is to pray for those that wish to kill me.
My prayers for their blessings, and God's mercy, grace, and salvation for them, INVERTS their spiritual attacks on me.
When I began praying for those that wanted to harm me, God did the heavy lifting.
We are in a multi-faceted, including spiritual, war.
Part of our arsenal is to pray FOR our enemies.
God will do the heavy lifting!
Matthew 5:43-48 King James Version (KJV)
'We can't do it without you.'
'What is a spell? Who is asleep?
There is an active war on your mind.'
'The Art of Illusion.'
We have been in a state of learned helplessness but we have immense powers not only alone, but collectively, as one VOICE – that asks God to have mercy on our enemies. One voice literally WILLING victory thru faith.
Q: 'Do you believe?'
Matthew 17:20 King James Version (KJV)
"20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
Arrows in our quiver:
supreme power or authority. (God)
the authority of a state to govern itself or another state. (POTUS+)
a self-governing state. ((you))
"The (New) Age of Enlightenment?" "Darkness to Light?"
We have been living in THEIR willed 'Fantasy Land.'
Their spells cast over us.
THEIR will, not ours.
Q: "It's about the BREAK."
Break the spell.
'future proves past'
And there is a (latin?) phrase I cannot find now, that speaks specifically to this, in a Q drop. Anybody know what phrase I am looking for? It goes here: _____
Godspeed fellow anons.