Aimless Spectator12:40 PM
Green Tea said…
Are Birdie and Dancing Boy blinds written by the same person?
Based on my studies of the site over the years, the same writing team, supplemented by gossip stringers and professional PR people, has been producing CDAN text for years. Usually when you read a blind by an "entern" who obviously is not a native English speaker that's a stringer, but sometimes also a PR professional paying to have his/her item astroturfed onto a gossip site like CDAN. There's been a good uptick in the number of paid insertions from PR people in the last few years.
"Enty", Himmmm, Dancing Boy, Birdie, as well as "sock puppet" commentators such as Geeljire, etc., are all the same writing team, though typically Geeljire is a single voice of one member of that writing team. None have ever been lawyers. Himmmm is always or almost always Talley Griffith.
I'm pretty sure, not positive, that a particular sock puppet commentator you don't see often anymore, Count Jerkula, is one of the core writing team members who can't get many public by-lines these days, because Xenu. He's also the dude who is "dialed in "WeHo" and elsewhere gay circuit, and has all the juicy deets on the gay mafia, etc. Has something of a severe Geffen mania. He's also dialed in on the Xenu team, so has the scoop on Masterson, etc.
Mr. Hedge is readily identified by his Twitter page concerned with child traffic and sexual exploitation, as many commentators have stated, and is heavily involved in shorting Tesla stock, thus his obsession with Tesla related posts on CDAN intended to help build the buzz that will depress Tesla stock and make his shorts pay off. His blinds are usually written by a professional, maybe an actual lawyer (a RARITY on CDAN), because ultimately when the SEC investigates the tactic you used while shorting a stock you want your play to be worded just so. You don't want a consent decree or prosectuion based on what someone unsophisticated in stock market rules and SEC investigative practices said because you allowed someone to rewrite your derogatory publications intended to help you short a stock. He's a fool if he doesn't pass his "Hedge" blinds through a competent SEC practitioner, because it is so clear that he's using CDAN to help short Tesla stock.
Other named blind posters are probably actual gossips associated with other sites who can't publish under their own name and want to create a back-up brand. Mr. X, for instance, has branded content here that he/she probably can't safely use on a site mor identified with his/her name.
But this is just my analysis, not based on actually having met any of these people in real life.
Remember, the site announces "entertainment purposes".
^ Lots of intense commentary in CDAN comments. This commenter claims some kind of scientific authority (lol) and claims, naturally, that CDAN drops are NOT to be trusted.
How much of the CDAN comments is AI? I've seen "Sandy Brook" post the fame thing as Tricia13, at the same time. "Geeljire" is a bot for sure (high-tier). Notice how insistent this "sociologist" is that they are all humans… The AI system is global– it dominates the internet as a whole. LOOK anons