Elites is the word…too much money can buy a lot of sin and evil. The elites have no idea what it means to budget their money. Elites have never been where many of the deplorables have been. Elites lavish themselves with sin and evil while others are hungry and homeless in our nation. They are usually the ones screaming the loudest too. Why the heck don't they use their millions to help others. NO….they prefer to lavish themselves with ridiculous extravagant wealth and riches. I don't know if they're all evil; however, I do think they look down on the common man who has had to struggle. They are absolutely clueless as to the real struggles that many Americans live through, often on a daily basis. That's what makes the deplorables stronger though. We're fighters and have a strong desire to succeed and live comfortably. Our minds can't even begin to comprehend such evil that the elites live as we're too damned busy living and making a living.