Child Sex Dolls Seized in Ireland
Child Sex Dolls Seized in Ireland
Report: Julian Assange's Thin Ice at the Ecuadorean Embassy in London Could Be About to Break
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, whose status as an unwanted guest at the Ecuadorian embassy in London has been growing ever more tenuous for months, could reportedly be booted at any time, according to reports in CNN and the Times of London.
“Assange has hidden in the embassy since 2012, officially first on the grounds of since-dropped rape charges in Sweden and now on breach of bail conditions, but also on the likelihood U.S. officials will demand his extradition on sealed espionage charges for leaking classified information the minute he leaves the building. Sources told the Times that on Thursday, Ecuadorian President Lenín Moreno said while in Madrid that no one should remain in asylum “for too long” and that negotiations with the British government could have resulted in an agreement that he would not face the death penalty.“