Anonymous ID: 803cb6 July 28, 2018, 8:25 p.m. No.2333401   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3416 >>4014 >>4055 >>4069

The Knife's Edge


For those who still don't understand, let me break it down even further: the United States is in the middle of a Cold Civil War, while at the same time being involved in an international Secret War against, essentially, an institutionalized criminal syndicate tracing its roots back at least a thousand years. A syndicate that makes the Mafia and the Triads, as brutal as they are, mere bit players in the greater scheme of things.


Every shadowy criminal organization you've ever read or seen on a screen is a pale reflection of the syndicate now being attacked. No depravity was too deep for them; indeed, the worse the crime, the more the perpetrators were leveraged by the organization. The greater the crime, the greater and greater lengths they had to go to to contrive to legitimize and rationalize the undeniable evil they had participated in.


Human trafficking, sex trafficking, drugs, illegal organ and tissue harvesting – they had a hand in it all. Because when you know the deck is always stacked in your favor, there are no lengths you won't go to to protect yourself from the consequences of your actions. And when the repercussions for failure are severe and assured by the organization, targeting your family and friends, then even reluctant agents do despicable and unforgivable things to protect the ones they love.


As horrific as that all is, it isn't the worst of it. These people have had an active plan for conquering and dominating the world for centuries. The ultimate move in their plan involves maneuvering humanity into a for-real nuclear conflict which would allow their embedded players (on all sides of any conflict) to eventually dominate the survivors utterly. Using technology and the aftermath of nuclear war, they would seize all power. Everywhere. Over the bodies of billions.


Regardless of which ideology they currently hide behind, make no mistake that their goal is non less than active control of the entire planet. It's your worst James Bond villain evil plot come true. It's every bad post-apocalypse movie wrapped up into one. Human trafficking is secondary to the appalling and inhuman plot to make our world more efficient. Thanos-style.


To be continued

Anonymous ID: 803cb6 July 28, 2018, 8:27 p.m. No.2333416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3434 >>3732 >>3794 >>3813 >>4004





Whether you realize it or not, things are on a knife's edge, at the moment. Despite the assurances of Q and Company, and the dedication of Patriots in every country represented on this board, the balance could tip in any direction at any moment. People are dying on both sides, and more are getting caught in the crossfire. But the penalty for failing in this effort is death and enslavement.


The cabal was complacent. "They never thought she would lose" is more than commentary on HRC's lousy campaign, it summarizes their entire attitude toward opposition. In the past one head of this hydra (see what I did there) has been stopped only to be replaced by others waiting in the wings. They've done this before. Again and again. Over centuries. They're good at covering their asses.


But they've never faced a full-on attack on all fronts all at once, and its got them in a corner. Their overlapping organizations are being decimated, their agents exposed and removed, their fonts of power stopped or poisoned. But the cabal's resources are deep, hidden, and (to be honest) unknown to any single individual. Extreme pressure is being placed economically, legally, and clandestinely to squeeze their vast overlapping networks. But no one really knows what might happen, only what is most likely to happen.


This is, in essence, a sudden rebellion by those who have watched and studied this cabal with horror, but have never been able to do anything about it because of the reach of the cabal's agents. What we do know is that the cabal does not care how many innocents must die, as long as their elite survives to conquer the survivors and dominate them. If they get a shot, they'll take it. If they think they can pull off a Hail Mary, they'll take it. And various parts of the organization may take different approaches to striking out. We may not be able to counter every one. Only technological superiority, sneakiness, discipline, and recognition of the consequences of our inaction has gotten us this far. A lot of things could go wrong, still.


Whatever your personal feelings about various parts of the cabal and your personal perspective on who should face the gallows, the fact is we are in the middle of two simultaneous, overlapping wars. The people in charge have demonstrated their faith by their actions over the last two years. They are best served by we on this board with support and patience, not tirades. If we have a chance of winning, it will be because we were more committed to humanity's survival than they were to its enslavement.



Boobs for Victory!