Could someone explain what the Nope button does, if you install it. Does it just filter the post if you click a button, or something better?
thanks anon, so it's just like a one click post filter basically
I wish there were a way to make images blurry until you clicked, or something like that
Javafags any thoughts on this idea?
a way to make images blurry until you click on them
That is interesting anon!
And is there a similar script to make images small (thumbnails) until you click on them or mouse over?
Experimenting with this, pretty interesting. Think we're getting close to comfy-ish.
.post-image {
opacity: .3;
max-width: 50px;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: .8;
max-width: 100%;
thanks for finding this blur tag – really great!
so if they were involved in 9/11 what do you want to do?