a 26 yr old guy is setting up the french secret service
NATO runs the logistics for bringing out the c_a/mossad contractors in syria
normally, yes, but now a 26 yr old previous body guard (lover?) connected to marroccan intelligence, is tasked with it.
i started looking for connections to israel/mossad/etc but got stuck in the media focus on the same guy hitting some demonstrators
@26 there is no chance the guy is qualified for the job, so he is put there by someone for a reason
i's say he is a career mossad op
this guy is not 26 = fake identity
weird, seems several outlets mistake him for 26
regardless, everything around him smells intelligence operative
here, his personal "style" seems match that of the tribe, my guess is a mossy
this is getting close to notable
stay awake and on it <3
nuclear weapons work as intended
they are intended to create fear
not to explode, since they cant
Greece Under Attack by D.E.W like California Fires!
considering the areas impacted during last year and this there should have been lots of reports of beams, if that is what it is, under most conditions they seem to be invisible