This whole thing about Musk's Mars Mission thing from a few months ago was him telling the cult that they could all grab his flamethrower's and go out in "honor" rather than upcoming prison. i.e. the current fires : ( I just put this collage together
you think it's not the 20,000 fucking flame throwers Musk gave to the cult? I have a hard time believing there's a more complex reason than the one I put together.
he knows he's fucked so he's giving his cultists a chance to go out in honor, seriously.
Notable, explains musk's odd behavior. "Blaze of glory"
yea but
really now, Musk's odd "Mars mission" he knows he's going to jail - mars is famous for being red - red like fire - he tells people they will likely die in glory and be remembered.. I think its' a pretty good hypothesis that right now he's cooking California with 20,000 flame throwers.
It's all Musk and his damn flamethrowers, 20,000 cultists trying to set the country on fire.