Fuck Buzz Aldrin, he is a fucking fake just like the moon landing
Good one. You must think the moon landing is real and Buzz is a hero patriot. He is cabal as fuck. So GFY is you think otherwise
First of all, faggots who worship Nasim make me Kek. Nambla much?
Math, how does it work?
So it's a Masonic thing. Makes total sense
Eat a dick faggot. My point is most people who have rudimentary math skills can figure out what time it is at home when traveling abroad, WITHOUT having to wear two watches. Are you retarded or something?
I guess you probably need two watches to figure out what time it is anywhere else in the world. Sorry you're a fucking moron. LOL at your shill accusations. I'm a shill because you can't figure out time zones in your head and point to Princess Diana and Buzz Lightyear as proof that "most people"" do it. You're fucking killing my sides
Hey stupid cunt, I get it it. You can't do math in your head. Carry on
Don't you just love when everything burns down but washing machines and trees, with little ruble?