Just see on LIONEL LIVE Eric say this
L, last thing, CERN not looking for god particle. Research is free energy & anti-gravitic tech. Vat runs CERN (D Brown got that right), internal security is Moussad, external securuty US. Period. Chicago Fermi Lab & Norway Noah's Ark functioning. L8r
Distinction & point of clarity: Ted's decardinilazation permits him to be eventually prosecuted by US. Pope F's "good faith"? No. As per your HRC tree stump interviewm Uncle Ted is the stump: Vat needs to let him loose to protect itself and its roots
All I've ever stated here can be back-engineered found direct on internet if one look. If you never hear from me again, know I love you all and I've not committed harakiri. Also, EBE graveyard in vat.
We need to digg this Anons