Anons, I keep posting shit but have to walk away before seeing if there's been a reply/answer. I'm caring for two animals, the morning's tough, and they take priority.
That said, I'm going to wait for this one. It's really been on my mind. Though I love Trump's team (John Kelley, Pompeo, Haily, Sanders et al.), General Mattis holds a special place in my heart. He was recently photographed with a bruised left eye. I'm choosing not to sauce it. I am quite well versed on the theories of Hollywood/celebrity, even political figures and the pope all having had one at some time. Recently even Tom Hanks was found. The general theory is it's an occult practice as part of the initiation into the cabal's world of fame and fortune. One is shown, in no uncertain terms, who wields the real power. I get it. I have those montage/collage memes where 50 stars are shown with a black and bruised left eye. Remember when Harry Reid looked like he face-planted on a concrete curb.
That said, Saint Mattis was asked and offered no comment. Any theories or explanations yet? As I said, it's really been on my mind.