This memefag marks it's 44th birthday today. I know Sunday newsdrops are rare, but, I have a feeling… And damn I hope it has something to do with [Fake and gay]POTUS #44
I forgot, do Catholics even recognize Jesus in their pantheon?
[They] are.polytheists. Simple hierarchy, Mary first, than the genitals of young boys, then Jesus (but only the parts that make for good feelings), then the archangels (as long as the pope agrees) than if there as any room left, they may acknowledge God.
Hey Agent Smith… We see you.
Your shit script is stale. I'd tell you to get a new script,. but I don't want millions of taxpayer dollars going to your bullshit.
so many around here love to blame everything on the other tribe….. it was the northern kingdoms that God divorced for the worship of Bail (Moloch) it was the Saxons that were who were scattered and 'forgotten' by history.
Now the sons of Isaac actually get off on blaming all their problems on "The Other House"
even Snopes has had to retract itself on this quote.
"Yet even today, there are those who want to forget the past. Worse still, there are even those filled with such hate, total hate, that they want to erase the Holocaust from history. Those who deny the Holocaust are an accomplice to this horrible evil.”
POTUS 4/16/17
28 posts and you don't know how to do red text?
Verily, verily, I say unto you Lurk Moar!!!
32 posts now….
I was about to go off on you….. butt…
Consolidate your research on Nancy's winery..
You absoutly have moar than you know.
(skimmed it, I assume you have the bits about here threatening to deport those agitating for a union, or was the Feinstein?)
Eph 6:12
Your own advice, you should take….. a chatroom this is not.