Death to israel. Death to all niggers.
Gotta tell the rubes something. The more nebulous and less verifiable it is, the better.
We're going to kill every last one of you, kikes.
>fucking iranian black hats.
Yeah. That's definitely it. Pesky deep state iranians, running our fucking media and shit! Telling our military what to do! Filling our country up with shitskins! Fucking iranians.
Who could it be now?
Oh, Erik Prince. Here's an interesting interview with him featuring an ACTUAL American patriot. The way his sales pitch to waste more money lining his pockets to fuck around doing nothing in Afghanistan goes over like a lead balloon would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Does he run white hat operations out of his mansion in Dubai?
Don't want to touch this one, huh?
The SPLC is a turbo-kike outfit. Iranians, please. Fucking rat.