There is a report out a short time ago that Trump is meeting with the NYT publisher. That might be significant. Sorry no source, I totally forgot to snag that.
It has been going on for thousands of years. Dont let some of these anons fool you with the boomer shit,I always knew shit. Human sacrifice, cannibalism, child rape, torture. It has gone on forever. It is much easier to fool people than to convince people that they have been fooled. Regardless of what these autistic anons say. They have been fooled too. We all have.
Mob rules justice never works. Vigilante justice does. In my opinion. Lynch mobs no. Motivated individual with intimate knowledge of the crime and criminal? Absolutely. It works.
Great fucking plan. Lets replace a deep state totalitarian dictatorship, that murders political opponent's at the whim of an anonymous source. Fucking brilliant idea. Neck yourself now, because you would be on the list.
Perhaps. But I never mentioned vigilante justice for any specific case or plan. I just said it works. I also mentioned a caveat. When the vigilante has intimate knowledge of the crime and criminal. Usually it is the victim.
You forget pearl harbor, the Vietnam War, and a whole host of other treasonous acts that have killed many more than 911. Get in line. Redpill at will. We'll wait.
Neither will Trump or Q. That was obvious with yesterday's drops. Ever think of that? There is no mass arrests on the horizon, or the foreseeable future. In fact, none of the higher ups will see prison, or be indicted. The black hats have leverage,killing us. Trump will get some lower fools, but probably end up being impeached, or killed. The claim that the deep state is stupid, is stupid. A cabal that has been in control forever is not stupid. Their toolbox is well known, but to beat them you need to use their toolbox. Q and Trump are not. The results will be the same as they always are. Cabal wins.
We can support him by completely focusing on the media and calling out their lies. Especially the fact checking and cable news. Meme the shit out of the media. How they've been wrong on all the predictions, and how they have been complicit in covering up crimes and colluding with Hillary to steal the election. Do not let up, and Trump can fight them on the other stuff. All media, all the time. Call them conspiracy theorists, they love that.
He wants us to protest. Against the media and social networking platforms.
Shit. Sorry Q. I didn't realize I was responding to you. Our side doesn't protest much. I wish we would. It is not our strong suit.
A bomb yes. But the world learns the truth nuke? Nope.
Of all the things implied that were considered the world learning the truth in July, that arrest ranked 246th.
Glad you walked that back. I knew autists were smart.
Highly doubtful. Once someone gets arrested for it, hopefully by Mueller. Then its game on.