Anonymous ID: 7429cc July 29, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.2338897   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The ultimate question is: What’s your love of money?

What’s YOUR limit of dignity, morals, and values for money?

Some people lie, cheat, kill, steal… do whatever it takes for money

How far would YOU go to protect YOUR IMAGE and YOUR newfound monetary value from your past transgressions of morals and self-worth that money drove you to compromise?

Would YOU lie, cheat, steal, kill… do whatever it takes?

Is money worth it? With money, you can indulge in the sickest fantasies of your mind. The world is yours, the sheeple worships you in awe.

However, it all balance on that one past transgression that you partook for the money. The transgression that is beyond unforgiveable.

How far will you go to keep it from public eye to keep your Fortune, your Fame??

Would YOU lie, cheat, steal, do whatever it takes??