In the old days, before TV, radio, social media, information was spread by newspapers or printed materials.
If we could actually print out a monthly "paper" that had Q's drops, truth of Govr corruption, our digs, real news, & the GA message, etc…we could distribute them and leave the message out in popular places. We could also share the electronic version on Twitter, FB, Reddit, etc…the main thing is to gather information in an organized style & disseminate truth to the public.
I wish I could do these things myself but I'm always phonefagging.
Another thing I thought of too is why haven't we planned a Huge QAnon Rally on the same day as a POTUS Rally at same location (we could hold our Rally close to the same location & then march to POTUS Rally). We could do this for every state & have supporters gather, spread message & march together to POTUS Rallies.
I know we would be met with some opposition but that is part of WAR.