Nice dubs, Q! Emergency Broadcasting System like JFK? Please bypass the deep state MSM cronies. Return everything we lost! We're being publicly traded…when will The People know the truth and reclaim the wealth that is theirs?!
Maybe after it actually drops. I have too much egg on my face trying to have people research stuff they believe will never happen or doesn't exist. I lost everything and I'm left to sleeping in my car. I'm a "conspiracy theorist" and everything checks off from the homelessness to the unemployment in Commiefornia. I've waited for months for debt relief or the cabal being exposed on a large scale to be vindicated. My own fucking parents disowned me because of this movement. My lady left me. I've only seen my kid 30 days out of 5 YEARS because of a court legal system. I have nothing left to give the Q squad.
DING DING DING But is that a good thing or horrible? Are military monkeys following orders to fuck with The People? Wow.
Daily Remembrance. Amen.