Is Lucifer judged unredeemable and condemned by God for his evil rebellion? Or is Lucifer willfully rejecting God’s Loving offer of Mercy? God’s Mercy is offered freely IF Lucifer will repent (change his heart motive) by turning away from his evil lying rebellious ways to instead surrender to Live Love and Live only for Truth in obedience unto God with Faith in God’s Merciful Love which is received by fully submitting to the Lordship of the Resurrected human Messiah Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Is Lucifer’s own willful choice to reject Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior the only cause for him being destined to hell? It seems so, because repentance (changing of heart motive) and Faith in Jesus for the remission of all sins through the cleansing provided by Jesus’ shed blood is The Only Way for anyone to be reconciled to God.
Zechariah 3:1 Then the angel showed me Jeshua (Jehoshua = "Jehovah is salvation") the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD. The Accuser, Satan, was there at the angel’s right hand, making accusations against Jeshua.
Zechariah 3:2 And the LORD said to Satan, “I, the LORD, reject your accusations, Satan. Yes, the LORD, who has chosen Jerusalem, rebukes you. This man is like a burning stick that has been snatched from the fire.”
Luke 4:8 And Jesus answered and said unto him, “Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”
Even though Satan/Lucifer did not immediately surrender to follow Jesus then or maybe not even yet, does Satan/Lucifer still have the option to repent and surrender to Jesus now?
It seems to me that the shed Blood of Jesus as Lord over All is available to wash away the sins of All created beings including even Satan/Lucifer. We find in Colossians 1:20 And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him (Jesus) to reconcile all things unto himself (God); by him (Jesus), I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.