Just a friendly reminder that "you are watching a movie". Q loves movies. The Military DOD has been the seed money for many Hollywood movies over the years. Usually stuff like Top Gun designed to boost volunteers in a non draft military. But they also can funnel money to make a movie that [they] would call subversive to the power structure.
What would MI do after JFK died so tragically? You can not give up because you know the stakes. The stakes are abject slavery and using humanity like cattle.
So you bring your guys together for a meeting to discuss how can you take on an enemy that has almost all the worlds money, has the populations of the world in a trance like state with total control of the media? You have a "Brainstorm" ing session. And your geniuses come up with the PLAN. The plan needs the internet where all of humanity can talk to each other without [their] influence. Where we can all bring what little parts of knowledge we have and pool our understanding in hive mind. This was the internet. The military created it to survive a nuke war. Survive large amounts of it being totally smashed and the hub-node design would continue on. Almost totally impossible to turn off with out a TOTAL turning off the lights.
Well these guys created a plan and then to put up a middle finger to the Cabal and a shout at the devil they decided to mirror the evil cabals love for "showing the method" and they made a movie that expressed all their concepts of the Universe and the hope for the peace of humanity. Expressed in a silly little song Natalie Wood sings under the covers. This is a real speech a MI gave. He likely had a bit of trouble communicating in speech because he made little sense but they must of loved the sentiment of it. It was perfectly explained what MI hoped they could do for humanity.
They show themselves in the movie. Showing one super genius MI who has a transformational insight moment when he is shown the new technology. He sees a way forward finally to smashing ZOG and getting past the filters.
They show the heroes play fighting each other. (Donald and Melania) just to distract as all the pieces are put into place. They show the hero computer hacker (assange) who breaks into the company computer(CIA) and discovers MKULTRA torture videos.
They show how this new technology is used by the hero Arch Angel Micheal in healing his marriage and healing his co friend who was exposed to too much. The Gordy character is the animalistic side of human nature that uses this amazing gift to play tricks and make porn.
Everything in the movie is allegory. The dialogue is important.
This is the original Q crumb. This is their Declaration of War to the Cabal.
Hollywood is full of esoteric minded people. Someone picked up on the more subtle clues and in an attempt to stop the movie the biggest named star had to die. Unbeknownst to (them) she had already shot most of the important scenes. So then the studio tried relentlessly to stop the movie. Tried to force them to accept an insurance pay off and scrap it. The director refused. He bravely fought and got it made. So in a last ditch effort to get as few eyes on the movie as possible (they) even started a whisper campaign to say to the young people "dont go see this movie. It is cursed. If you see it you might die" my wife remembers the whispers about the movie.
But it was not made to start a revolution. It was meant as a giant fucking middle finger. To say "you dont control the world uncontested like you think you do"
So watch the movie "Brainstorm" and see the opening move on the chess board. The ultimate game. The game of the fate of Humanity.
It is important. It is uplifting. We are going to win and go to the stars.
I love you all. I think this is my final time I will spam "BrainStorm"
I dont know why I figured it out. I am obsessed with the "why". Once I realized all this cabal shit was real and Trump was fighting it. I grew puzzled. How can you take on a world wide group that has this much power. How is it possible Trump is taking them for the ride of their lives? So I deep dived on esoteria and movies as propaganda tools. I realized that WE also have been putting movies out with messages to influence the subconscious.
I was driven to know the "how"
This is revealed in "Brainstorm"
Final time for me posting this. It is not important in winning the war. It is just a glimpse of how we got here. A very magical glimpse into the hearts of some amazing heroes we will never know their names.
Love ya guys.