I am a racist and I support Q. I realize most of you have drunk the Kool-Aid and think culture has nothing to do with race and that (formerly) white countries will still be bastions of wealth and security long after whites are gone but if you don't want to look at the elephant in the room I can't make you. Carry on.
Dude, chances are you are talking to C_A/MOS. In their view Nazis were definitely "the bad guys".
Yes, this rainbow nation of yours where whites are bereft of a homeland is exactly what I'm trying to scatter into the winds. I'm merely in tune with my biological imperatives and don't feel the need to be "virtuous" as far as matters on race. Hate me for it all you want.
Thanks for the well wishes. I wonder who would have a problem with whites having a homeland of their own. Here's my guess: MOS.
Report me to a Sanhedrin while you're at it. Oh and by the way, the US was founded by and for whites.. look up the very first immigration act. My America is the one that dates back to the thirteen colonies. What's yours? Let me guess, Jewish multicultural utopia. Funny enough Israel likes building settlements on top of the ruins of houses belonging to Palestinians.
They would fabricate their proof to smear this movement with anyway. You're not worried about optics, you're worried about the kosher narrative on WW2, aren't you, buddy?
Sure, just show me where I said "scattering this nation to the winds". Thanks for the well wishes again, tough guy.
No, the Zionist Occupied Government acting as executioner of America's founding stock is what I'm screwing with. With pleasure, buddy.