Okay…. to start from the beginning… of the latest round of bullshit…. lets go back to George Bush in 1992. Remember what he had to say about the New World Order? Then remember what happened to US manufacturing? The plan was to make China a manufacturing powerhouse, US a Military Powerhouse, and London a Financial Powerhouse.
All fine and dandy. No one can survive without everyone else…. perfect NWO setup, right?
Remember, this was 1992. We have the most powerful military in the whole world.
It's not a big stretch to believe that the Korean War never (officially) ended and that was done by design. Because the North Koreans are actually working with the CIA… which is a bit in depth for this. So… they build a Submarine Base on the coast of North Korea. Could be Iran as well. George Bush, Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr, and Obama. 20+ years to perfect their plans to fight back.
Remember, any land we want in the whole world is ours. They have backup plans of backup plans. So…. why is it hard to believe that (they) have a submarine base somewhere?