re_read crumbs
Wasn't more than 3 days ago either
July 26
Any further discussion of this topic, either pro or con, is shilling, because it distracts from our core mission:
Q Research
It is safe to assume that anybody arguing with one another about this topic is a shill. Shills are arguing with shills.
Q said attacks would intensify.
Recognize an attack and don't respond to it.
You don't know what he was talking about.
He was talking to the cabal for one thing.
The context made that clear.
He was also talking to everyone who reads the crumbs: about how the relentless focus on the physical, and particularly on things that provoke lust in people's minds, which has been promoted by the cabal with ever-increasing pressure over my own lifetime but starting long before that, is gradually shifting the Overton Window and debasing the entire culture.
When a person experiences lusful feelings, a certain part of their cognition shuts down as hormones are produced and the brain's blood supply is rerouted to the brainstem and autonomic nservous system for sex.
The cabal wants the whole culture dumbed-down so they can control us.
People who crave lustful experiences don't realize to what extent they are being manipulated.
I just gave you the 40,000 foot view. Some will understand.