Anonymous ID: d67839 July 29, 2018, 7:38 p.m. No.2347642   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7687

>>2347495 (pb)

I don't fap to the titties.


My objection has nothing to do with wanting to see titties. It has EVERYTHING to do with not giving ground to our enemies or letting them control us with their own brand of concern trolling. It's about maintaining the culture in the face of an attack… not giving in to that attack.


Personally? I don't care about the boobs… I can do without them… I appreciate the ones I see, but scroll on… Would it clean up the bread and make it so more bread is dedicated to OTHER things? Sure! That's a good thing…


But it should not be a complete ban… something discouraged? Sure. But a flat out total ban? No.

Anonymous ID: d67839 July 29, 2018, 7:48 p.m. No.2347780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7814 >>7823 >>7832 >>7857 >>7877 >>7908 >>7925 >>7984


What I'm seeing is basically this…


Newfags coming here… all hyped up about getting their country back… a bunch of conservative republicans who are absolutely ignorant of chan culture. They don't understand that "fag" here means "person". They don't understand that the chans are the "wild west". They don't understand that this place is NOT where new Q converts should be lurking, and that it takes a VERY thick skin to be here… they don't understand these things because they honestly need to lurk moar.


They don't understand that THEY are the ones who are visitors who are guests in OUR house… they come in, and complain, and push for things to change… just like a woman who moves in with a bachelor, and before you know it he has floral drapes and a pink couch, and he's wondering "what the fuck happened to my life? Why do I have throw pillows now?" They take paradise and make gradual changes, totally stripping the man of his own identity.


Self-doxing a bit here… I'm 43 years old, have 6 kids, my wife has very nice titties that I get to play with whenever I want. I don't CARE about the porn.


I care about the CULTURE, and HOLDING THE LINE against an infiltration.

Anonymous ID: d67839 July 29, 2018, 7:56 p.m. No.2347912   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7943 >>7963 >>7975 >>7976 >>7986 >>8003 >>8020 >>8040 >>8051 >>8052 >>8073 >>8076 >>8083 >>8092 >>8124 >>8194 >>8220 >>8241 >>8243 >>8277 >>8374




Because, you see, the MSM has come here and seen how immature we are, and how homophobic we are because we use the word "fag". So any post that contains that word will be deleted.


We don't want to get any negative publicity by the MSM. We feel that if we clean up our act, they will not have any ammunition to discredit our movement… we're CERTAIN that if the MSM reports on us and we have no homophobic slurs in our posts, they will treat us fairly and report honestly about what we're all about, and what we're trying to accomplish here.


Please stay tuned for further culture-altering decrees we will be making soon, so as to make the MSM and outside public at large like us more. Because, well, you KNOW they ONLY bash us because of the counter-cultural shit we do…


Oops, just typed "shit"… that may offend some biblefags… OOPS, damnit, just typed "fags" again… sorry guys.


So uh, from now on, swear words are not allowed either. No "shit", no "fuck" no "damn"… can't take the lord's name in vain because we want to cater to the christians out there and not scare them off…


Oh, and if an anon tells you what their preferred pronouns are, you are now REQUIRED to use them… because if you don't, you'd be seen as transphobic, and we don't want to be accused of that by any MSM articles either.



Anonymous ID: d67839 July 29, 2018, 7:59 p.m. No.2347956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7987


Great point! That green frog represents white supremacy and the alt-right, according to Hillary and the MSM! We have to be sure not to allow Pepe memes on here anymore, because that will discredit our movement when the MSM reports on it!

Anonymous ID: d67839 July 29, 2018, 8:02 p.m. No.2348011   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8028 >>8049


Yes, and in order to accomplish that, so we can all keep track of each other and report each other for repeatedly bad behavior, everyone should be required to register a unique name tied to a verified email address.


This "anonymous" stuff makes it far too easy to get away with bad behavior that will make us all look bad, slide the bread, etc…

Anonymous ID: d67839 July 29, 2018, 8:04 p.m. No.2348046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8176


That was 100% my point.


"Ban everything so they like us" is exactly what they WANT… and guess what… AT THE END OF ALL OF THAT BANNING AND CHANGING OF THE CULTURE TO SUIT THEIR NEVER-ENDING DEMANDS…






So why fucking bother?


That whole argument is 100% trash, and should be dismissed entirely.

Anonymous ID: d67839 July 29, 2018, 8:07 p.m. No.2348101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8187


Oh of course! How could I forget the dreaded "N word"? That must be IMMEDIATELY banned! You can do Q research without such offensive words being used, so it's utterly unnecessary and should be immediately banned!

Anonymous ID: d67839 July 29, 2018, 8:19 p.m. No.2348321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8344 >>8353 >>8355


So far all I have seen the BO do is make an argument in support of the BV… but he has not yet AFFIRMED this new ban.


I hope that my arguments in this bread is making him think… and convincing him that the BV was wrong in his decision.


Again… let me restate this… this is NOT ABOUT BOOBS. This is about the SLIPPERY FUCKING SLOPE we will be going down if we let these pro-censorship arguments hold ANY traction at all.


As I pointed out previously… next it's.. ban the words: Fag, nigger, kike, spic, shit, fuck, damn, goddamn… if we give any credence to the argument "the world is watching so we need to clean up our act"… then those are the natural next steps.


If we give any credence to the argument "you're just wasting slices of bread, and this is a RESEARCH board, so posts should be about research!", then we should also ban Nasim posts, pepe memes, hell… any MEME posts…


Can you see how these arguments NATURALLY lead to further censorship?


And CENSORSHIP creates an ATMOSPHERE of fear and people pointing fingers at others, saying "HEY, YOU JUST BROKE THE RULES!" etc… it creates an OPPRESSIVE atmosphere where "if you don't fall in line, you will be cast out"… that is antithetical to proper digging, proper "research", etc… that censorship-free atmosphere is what FUELS the austism here!