Anonymous ID: 273c71 July 29, 2018, 9:41 p.m. No.2349716   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9740


Just like the Sarah Silverman photo, right? Right? Speak up, (((faggot))).


>>2238473 Pic has no merit. 07/21/18 (Sat) 23:32:40

>>2238589 It's shopped. Period. 07/21/18 (Sat) 23:46:18

>>2239133 Enough of this Sarah Silverman slide. 07/22/18 (Sun) 01:36:06

>>2241601 Sarah Silverman declares war on anons 07/22/18 (Sun) 09:53:00

>>2241610 She's not worth the effort. 07/22/18 (Sun) 09:54:29

>>2241612 This pic has been posted 500 times already. 07/22/18 (Sun) 09:54:29

>>2241706 fake and gay as fuck 07/22/18 (Sun) 10:04:00

>>2241723 its fake and gay as fuck 07/22/18 (Sun) 10:06:00

>>2241729 The pic is fake and you know it, and we know it 07/22/18 (Sun) 10:06:34

>>2241772 Yup, but don't expect the shills to stop just because facts. 07/22/18 (Sun) 10:10:45

>>2243023 Was this posted already? 07/22/18 (Sun) 12:42:01

>>2243089 Look at the date. It's fake. 07/22/18 (Sun) 12:49:39

>>2243101 Not this again, this was all over the board last night. Fake 07/22/18 (Sun) 12:51:03

>>2243104 Silverman is the slide for the day to take the focus off FISA 07/22/18 (Sun) 12:51:40

>>2245953 Its fucking Nasim!!! 07/22/18 (Sun) 18:02:58 ''She is pretty.''

>>2245985 its fake.. two words: the date 07/22/18 (Sun) 18:06:18

>>2246019 Come on anons. A new one every damn bread. Look at the date. Shit's fake. 07/22/18 (Sun) 18:09:37

>>2246050 we did this last night shift, not sliding on it again 07/22/18 (Sun) 18:13:32

>>2246054 Pepe has spoken.—-Fake 07/22/18 (Sun) 18:14:25

>>2298369 Proven shop… 07/26/18 (Thu) 11:41:40


>>2298388 The author of the post…..Q !CbboFOtcZs 07/26/18 (Thu) 11:42:54

>>2298430 How do you hide a message in clear sight? Q !CbboFOtcZs 07/26/18 (Thu) 11:45:24

Anonymous ID: 273c71 July 29, 2018, 9:48 p.m. No.2349827   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9853


>We do not want this board shut down because of this.

In that case, it's incumbent upon ALL anons to learn the "Global report" feature.


You're venturing into dangerous waters BO


IMO, your BV's should focus on keeping the board clean (i.e., legal)…if they can't handle it without becoming complete absolutist morans, get different BV's…simple as that.


As it stands now, your BV's are power-tripping and exerting editorial control…not just over teh bewbs but also over research topics, specifically with regard to the Notables.


I hear from anons on the the night shift that this is why there is a shortage of bakers.