Anonymous ID: 68af33 July 29, 2018, 9:11 p.m. No.2349170   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2348852 (pb)

I'm leaning towards whomever the statement was speaking to, he was leading them to another location for updates on the situation. Of course, the one's the message was to won't follow him, but they will be keeping an eye on him…not sure how the trace works for that one…just spitballing, but I think if you can find out who "should" have followed him when they didn't…some more answers may show….

Anonymous ID: 68af33 July 29, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2349871   🗄️.is 🔗kun

what if Q's SS picture drop and qoute was speaking to them on this board. Q is in control and might be showing it by simply making them eliminate pictures containing nudity to pass the message.




You are free to open 2 tabs, you are free to open 2 pages, you are free to purchase another device, 2 monitors, two keyboards, a legal escort for an extra hand. Even free to purchase illegal activities with legal money.


CP threat BO spoke of is real…the methods DS uses to focus attention where they want it and not where it should be includes discreditting. Soft disclosure obviously a must, and new traffic is happening on a daily bases. A lot of us have been here through it all and then some, others are just waking up. Your attitudes display that those who can't take the heat should stay out of the kitchen. These people have no fucking choice. We all live on the same rock for fucks sakes. Biggest things in known history are happing and people are going to be rubbing crust out of their eyes with absolutely no choice but to get the big picture shoved in their face and will need to rely on those of us here wh oalready went through a lot and know a lot more is coming….seriously folks…I consider this my home. It has been a lifetime, litterally, since I have had a home such as this. It is our home, not just mine. Adaptation is required, if you can't adapt, you cannot help others adapt….