Anonymous ID: 7c1207 July 29, 2018, 9:24 p.m. No.2349412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2349033 lb

Well, ya guessed wrong, newfag.

How do we know?


8 months in and Q hasn't abandoned us,

or called us out for our culture even ONCE.

And we've kept the heat up just as heavy.


Q has also said that POTUS can't say things,

has to stay presidential, for "optics."

The "saying it straight" gig is OUR job.

Why else do you think he came here?

Autists don't just digg and archive,

we tell the truth in no uncertain terms.

DISCLOSURE muh feels

This is war, we play for keeps

Anonymous ID: 7c1207 July 29, 2018, 9:29 p.m. No.2349497   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>We are taking measures to keep this board from being removed

BasedBO is based

Reasoning is sound

Priorities necessitate sacrificing purity spiral


TY fren, fukkn thrilled to have you back

Anonymous ID: 7c1207 July 29, 2018, 9:46 p.m. No.2349799   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Incomplete Basket of deNotables

Way behind, frens. We may have to repoast some next bread, or I can do lb adds. Sorry bout that, moving fast as I can.


#2960 Baker change

>>2349367 Based (and tanned) BO clarifies no-nudity policy, protecting our base

>>2349305 Avenatti diggs, 2009 class action suit, "concrete"

>>2349294 Moar Bronfman Saudi Arabia Digging, husband Abdul Basit

>>2349275 DC's Besta Pizza owner has office in CA, bldg next to Avenetti's

>>2349189, >>2349637 NY: Sealed CP complaint/arrest. USA vs. Joel Davis.

>>2349166 Ireland: Saving Child Trafficking Victims Occurring WW







>Have we lost our logical faculties?

Clearly some of us have not.

Look lively anons.

Dey out der

Anonymous ID: 7c1207 July 29, 2018, 9:53 p.m. No.2349907   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#2960 Baker change

>>2349697 Soros Hack: Top 10 Machinations of a Master Manipulator

>>2349367 Based (and tanned) BO clarifies no-nudity policy, protecting our base

>>2349305 Avenatti diggs, 2009 class action suit, "concrete"

>>2349294 Moar Bronfman Saudi Arabia Digging, husband Abdul Basit

>>2349275 DC's Besta Pizza owner has office in CA, bldg next to Avenetti's

>>2349189, >>2349637 NY: Sealed CP complaint/arrest. USA vs. Joel Davis.

>>2349166 Ireland: Saving Child Trafficking Victims Occurring WW