fortheluvofGAWD please tell me that asshole lawyer for the porn star isn't supposed to be a white hat.
How did this shit which I never heard of until the last couple of years all of a sudden become a fucking epidemic?
Note to self: Upgrade ISP plan.
Boobs are the engine that drives civilization.
Essential for productivity.
No, I'm NOT kidding.
I'm thinking of the Widow's Mite here, anon.
Hope you don't mind being the butt of my little joke.
I'm thinking of the Widow's Mite here, anon…
Hope you don't mind being the butt of my little joke.
So, they do nothing about gore but we can't have the anons looking and some nice tatas, can we?
you can NOT equate tits to gore. Only an emasculated libertarian poseur engages in such fallacies.
…who control the narrative…yeah, that too.