Anonymous ID: cd3078 July 29, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.2349475   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Robert Fisk: "I Traced Al-Qaeda Missile Casings In Syria Back To Their Original Sellers"


07/29/2018 - 17:58


Finally, a journalist for a mainstream UK media outlet is methodically tracking weapons shipment serial numbers and English-language paperwork recovered from al-Qaeda groups in Syria, and he's literally showing up at arms factories and questioning arms dealers, including officials at the Saudi Embassy in London, asking: why are your weapons in the hands of terrorists?


Veteran Middle East war correspondent Robert Fisk recently published a bombshell report entitled, I traced missile casings in Syria back to their original sellers, so it’s time for the west to reveal who they sell arms to. In it Fisk recalls a bit of detective sleuthing he's lately been engaged in after stumbling upon a batch of missile casings and shipment paperwork last year hidden in what he describes as "the basement of a bombed-out Islamist base in eastern Aleppo" with the words "Hughes Aircraft Co/Guided Missile Surface Attack" emblazoned on the side of the spent tubes.


Of course, the Syrian government recaptured the area from Islamist insurgents including al-Nusra terrorists and their allies in December 2016, and has made rapid gains throughout the country's east and south since; and Fisk has been trekking around the country to see what he can find.



Anonymous ID: cd3078 July 29, 2018, 9:32 p.m. No.2349551   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Julian Assange's Fate Is Being Decided At The Moment

07/29/2018 - 23:30

Ecuador is holding high level discussions with Britain over the fate of Julian Assange, who has been living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since 2012 after being granted political asylum, according to comments made by President Lenin Moreno to Spain's El Pais daily newspaper.

"The issue of Mr. Assange is being treated with the British government and I understand that we have already established contact with Mr. Assange's lawyers so we can find a way out."


Not true, says Assange's Attorney Carlos Poveda in a Sunday LaJournada article retweeted by the official WikiLeaks Twitter account.


The defense of Julian Assange is concerned about the contradictions of the government of Ecuador, which claims to be seeking a solution to the asylum of the founder of Wikileaks through dialogue, with all parties, but refuses to meet with their lawyers, said Carlos Poveda, one of the activist's lawyers. -LaJournada (translated)


"We have followed very closely the statements of President Lenin Moreno both in the United Kingdom and Spain," said Poveda. "And I must warn that even the legal team that presides (the former judge of the Spanish Supreme Court) Baltasar Garzón requested a hearing to meet in London or Madrid, but they told him that Moreno's schedule was full during the whole tour."


In other words - Moreno is talking out of both sides of his mouth while feigning a new found concern for Assange's fate (after referring to the WikiLeaks founder as a "hacker", "an inherited problem" and a "stone in the shoe").


We know how (Moreno) addresses the issue , said Poveda, who said that the president's statements leave us confused.


In relation to the recent declarations of the Ecuadorian agent chief executive, of which his government is in "permanent" communication with London and with the legal team of Assange, Poveda maintained that that does not happen.


-LaJournada (translated)


According to Poveda, Assange's legal team is still awaiting a response from two letters sent from Madrid weeks ago requesting that Ecuador "explain the situation."


Assange has been holed up in the embassy since 2012. Though Sweden long ago dropped its request that Assange be extradicted, he is still struggling with legal issues in the UK: Earlier this year, a UK court declined to reverse his arrest warrant for violating his bail terms when he initially took refuge at the embassy. Wikileaks has released thousands of diplomatic cables belonging to the US, and US officials, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions, have said Assange's arrest is a "priority."

Anonymous ID: cd3078 July 29, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.2349624   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The US 2019 Defense Budget Bill: Congress Defies The New World Order


Sun, 07/29/2018 - 21:40

The House and Senate versions of the draft National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2019 were unveiled by Congress on July 23. Both include a provision to temporarily bar the transfers of F-35 joint strike fighters (JSF) to Turkey.


According to the final 2019 defense bill, the Defense Department would be required to submit a report to lawmakers within 90 days about the relationship with Ankara, all its foreign weapons deals, and Turkey’s move to purchase the S-400 air-defense system from Russia before any more sales could go through. Until then the US would sit on any weapons transfers to Turkey. Ankara’s decision to buy the Russian S-400 air-defense system, the “F-35 killer,” has greatly aggravated bilateral ties between the US and Turkey, a relationship that was already clouded by many other issues.

READ MORE:https://

Anonymous ID: cd3078 July 29, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2349854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ordinary US Citizens Now Surveilled By Air Marshals As Part Of Secret New Program

07/29/2018 - 21:08


If you're a law abiding US citizen, a team of armed undercover US Air Marshals could be following you on your next flight, taking minute-by-minute notes whether or not you engage in such threatening behavior as sleeping on the plane, using a phone, going to the bathroom or talking to other passengers.


The Boston Globe has revealed a new federal program that profiles and surveils ordinary US citizen travelers who otherwise have no legitimate reason for being profiled. The secret program, called "Quiet Skies", was set up to monitor US citizens with no prior record and who don't result in red flags being raised at the airport. The people surveiled and followed in this program are, according to a TSA memo cited by the Globe article, "not under investigation by any agency and are not in the Terrorist Screening Data Base".
