Anonymous ID: db260f July 29, 2018, 9:16 p.m. No.2349241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9285 >>9303 >>9330 >>9345 >>9346 >>9354 >>9392 >>9714





Free Speach is the most importent thing on this board!

It is critical to our movement and to waking up the world.


POTUS valued Free Speach very often, lately together with the important 2nd A.


Q said STAY THE COURSE and stated specifically this board is unter CURRENT ATTACK!


Anons, Get those MEMES ready to defend Free Speach! And pray for it!


Patriots, do not get distracted by all that shill traffic on the board. As it is a clear sign of WINNING & PANIC we should be proud actually!



Anonymous ID: db260f July 29, 2018, 9:40 p.m. No.2349714   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I keep hearing a shill argument about CP…Total BS!


-This board was chosen because of Free Speach

  • Q and POTUS appreciate Free Speach

  • we were told (today!) by Q that this very board is unter heavy attack!

  • we were told (today!) to stay the course….after 'shouting' yesterday


"Anons" demanding censorship are just shilles who do not know what f*ing else to do to stop US from WINNING! There is no argument for it. The only argument even possible can be easily defeated by saying "for an important decision like that, Q will give us clear command, as in the past"!


As every single shill attack on this board before, they will not divide us. They will not stop us. They will not silence us, nor will they stop us from thinking!


Sometimes you need to be able to speak freely, to be able to think freely!


Patriots, do not get distracted by all that shill traffic on the board. As it is a clear sign of WINNING & PANIC we should be proud actually!




Memes needed stating that the Anons and …chan stand for the right to THINK AND SPEAK FREE!