Anonymous ID: f7a8a7 July 29, 2018, 9:28 p.m. No.2349472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9910



Replying to this post because it is an instance of the problem. Re posts as these: If it lasts too much longer I can begin assisting with gathering up addresses to correlate origins. It’s likely pushed by some extremely vocal shills, and the newbies who think there are more people speaking than there are. Immediate recommendation is to ignore all related discussion and posts from both shills and non shill side. Discussion will die organically , and this will also assist with correlating ip addresses and post topic clusters involved in this attack vector. the ability to detect and thwart the attack is greatly aided by remaining quiet re anything related. BV / BO if assist needed re the above. Ready and willing to help, in the meantime standing by. (quietly). Please do the same patriots. Loose lips sink ships. Mindless chatter aids the enemy and is used to distract and divide us. Remain quiet, ignore nonsense debates, and assume true patriots are doing the same. This will assist all involved. there is no need to reply to this post except to communicate direct instructions re accomplishing any of the above. Thank you.

Anonymous ID: f7a8a7 July 29, 2018, 9:41 p.m. No.2349719   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q has not officially confirmed exfiltrstion occurrence last year. That’s was pushed by known shills on roster for sometime (eg eyethespy when he was at peak popularity). Wait for guidance on q, we have many other leads to dig on. also, remember it is not clear whether or not ja is comp’d. Helpful character, but remember psy ops are sophisticated and massively complex. Don’t jump into a minefield of misinformation unnecessarily. Other leads that are producing tangible results in real time are the multiple pedo investigations happening concurrently all around the internet. Large audiences pursuing related issues on reddit , /pol , boat , and here. all q related and with similar goal. There are other leads also being investigated. I just say this as a word don caution about wasting too much time / bread on ja, not worth it.

Anonymous ID: f7a8a7 July 29, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2349860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9893


It may be helpful to assume the misdirection is targeted at us as well as (((them))) . eg, the “ plan” requires us to dig on unrelated or ultimately incorrect leads ….perhaps to forward other goals or accomplish other objectives somewhere else. Don’t feel that’s your time is wasted. it isn’t wasted , it’s part of it. We are a tool that can be used. Employing us for some useless purpose would be not be a good use of that tool. Trust the plan. Its a good one and, so far, it’s working.

Anonymous ID: f7a8a7 July 29, 2018, 9:55 p.m. No.2349926   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your reasoning looks good from here senpai. We remember the drops, each and every one of them. Don’t worry, your logic is top notch. Now, back to work!