This is why people want to ban - because people keep pushing it further and further…….
younger and younger……….
Yes, she does look like she's 16. But, you knew that and that is why you posted it.
Thank you for pointing out the whole fucking problem.
You post an image of someone who LOOKS 16,
and no one can tell. THEN you come back and say she's 21.
This is the whole problem. WE DON"T WANT TO TRY AND FIGURE OUT SOMEONE"s AGE.
You do it to piss people off and push the CP.
Hence, the ban.
No. Avenatti posted that night. Potus was already in Singapore for some time.
The missile happened in WA about 4 a.m. PST.
Avenatti posted at 8 pm. Both on the 10th.
No matter what time zone Avenatti was in within the U.S. it was at least 14-16 hrs. later after the missile was launched.
Bulshit. artists don't give a shit about it.
What happened to the 2 posts of Whisleblowers??
Avenetti and the MI were in the U.S. on the 10th.
He posted 14-16 hrs AFTER THE MISSLE was shot.
Missle 4 am. 10th
His Tweet 8 pm 10th
It doesn't matter what day it was across the world.