Back to Back. Well said.
Anonymous 07/30/18 (Mon) 05:58:01 81dfd1 No.2350744
Fuck you. He came here because of the autists, or you would have found him while looking for cat pictures on reddit. Autists work in a variety of ways, and if they don't have the right conditions they leave for something more interesting.
The conditions changed. So regardless of whether the board is comped or not, it's fucked. The real autists don't put up with this shit.
Anonymous 07/30/18 (Mon) 05:58:06 4e6313 No.2350745
>Change the rules, lose the autists
The real autists who actually do the fucking work give a flying fuck about it because they don't give a shit about it to begin with. The ONLY people who would care are either shills or lazy fucks who like to come on here to either steal others ideas for their shitty blog to fame fag. If I had it my way I would have already banned you. You're disruptive, haven't done shit but bitch and won't shut up about it.