OK anons in my research into pixelknot i discovered it uses F5 stenography to hide messages
I found an old school tool that specifically looks for F5 sten inside of images, it also has a bruteforce cracker
Its called stegdetect and i ran it on the current list of images we have that the python anon made (see image)
Here is the older versions of the tool:
github of latest version:
wordlist: for the cracker:
Here is the stegdetect source, a wordlist, the current imgs we have, and a bash script to read imgs in a directory i put together:
to compile use
sudo linux32 ./configure
sudo linux32 make
It's pretty late here or I would throw together a script to take the output of the detector and run it through the cracker.
If no one has made a better script I'll do my best to make one.
Good Luck Anons