>poster knows who im talking too.
dafuq is this muh luminaughty shit?
Fuk Abraxas and all the shamanic baby rapin muthafukas.
Fuckin cabal you sick ass cretins think nobody knows some shit.
Go watch some Jupiter Ascending read some Crowley, consult your confirmation stone and stick a spiked but plug in your ass.
Fuk the rooster headed, snake leg having, adrenochrome drinking faggot fake alien/god you serve.
And we know about Stevie Nicks(high priestess) and her red headed brother have kids together. He has a goat tatooed on his wrist as its his spirit animal. And he’s a psychologist.
So get your cell phone tree going and tell your group “We have it All”.
Get the fuk off this board.
I’m not playin around bitch.
Any anons dug Abraxas Cubic (Intelligence)
or other Abraxas companies?