Anonymous ID: 3cf847 July 30, 2018, 1:30 a.m. No.2351869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1883 >>1885 >>1891 >>1921





You are full of shit.


Have you seen all the text on here that could trigger normies as hate speech? Nigger, Kike, Faggot–on and on. Why aren't thousands of boards being shut down over hate speech? Because, dumbass, freedom of speech. And not to mention we're not supposed to be bringing them here–we're supposed to be pushing them over to and other places more "normie-friendly" and less "triggering". Remember? Or did you miss that memo?


If someone uses hate speech in a state where the liberals have succeeded in getting a law passed against it, the ''individual'' spewing the hate speech is the one that goes down. Not the goddamned neighborhood he lives in.


As for the boobs thing, use a bit of critical thinking. It's not ABOUT the boobs. It's about freedom of speech/press/expression and, shit–FREEDOM itself. The actual manifest for this board–the actual reason we followed Q here–rolls on and on about how this board will never be censored.


You don't punish everybody because one bad actor came in and fucked things up with CP! I mean, if that were the way of things, we might as well go right ahead and execute all Democrats or Liberals or SJWs.


Patriotic Americans hold the ''individual'' responsible for his/her actions. Un-American assholes try to blame it anywhere but where the fucking responsibility lies–the individual.


Boil off all the fat and it comes down to this:


The BO/BV has blinked at the potential of a bad actor sneaking in and dropping CP. They're afraid they will miss it and get fucking dinged for it


Well how-dee-doo. Don't MISS IT. Be diligent. Take it out like a fine woman on prom night.


If the BO/BV is so concerned that they would renig on the NO CENSORSHIP pledge that brought us here, they had best put something in place to react quickly to CP–not throw the anons' constitutional rights cavalierly out the window because it's "easier" that way.


Fuck EASIER. DO YOUR JOB BO/BV and let us do ours at the pace our freedom of expression dictates in keeping our spirits high and effective.



Anonymous ID: 3cf847 July 30, 2018, 1:41 a.m. No.2351921   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2132


If you really believe that, how do you reconcile all the places on the Internet where porn (not harmless nudity like we post to the bakers) exists? They only shut down those places if the owners are not doing anything about it (or they have a specific beef with them).


Or how about piracy? Comcast is not brought down because an individual used it to pirate something! That individual is held responsible.


It's about individual responsibility, not punishing the masses to cover your shortcomings at holding the individual responsible.

Anonymous ID: 3cf847 July 30, 2018, 2 a.m. No.2352005   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Make that up did you? You must be old. I heard it in the 1960's.


I'm not trying to trigger your SJW instincts, I just want you to consider how BO/BV PROMISED no censorship and now we have it.


Still, the welcome text promises no censorship.


Why the fuck doesn't he just say the Spoiler feature must be used for all nudity and forego the censorship–thus keeping his word.

Anonymous ID: 3cf847 July 30, 2018, 2:27 a.m. No.2352121   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Guys, my apologies. I got so deep into the South Korea attempted coup research, Rudy and another thing, then got triggered by people insulting my autistic desire for the BO keeping his word about NO CENSORSHIP. Not about boobs. About not censoring us. I'd have never followed Q here if not for that carrot.


My apology comes from the fact that I got so busy I skipped my medication 4 hours ago and am twice as combative as I would normally be.


Just wanted to say sorry. Truly.