It appears bewby wars are still on. And since I went to bed, way too late for my early work morning, BO and BVs have inched towards the side of those who are so undisciplined that they see not posting nudity or at least putting a spoiler over top of it is an affront to humanity and "freedom". In reality, it is an indication of slavery and addiction. That one can get so upset that they scream FU to anyone asking them to reign it in a bit or stop posting, that can accuse BO of being comped or anti-freedom because he tried to institute some things to control CP, shows that the person is not part of the team of WWG1WGA, rather is WWG1WG-as long as I get my way on everything and you allow me to be as perverted as I feel like it or not. Again, that's not freedom. That's forcing the rest of us who want to do Q research to page through miles of smut put out by the same industry that produces the CP, the snuff stuff, the hard core porn …whatever deviancy can be imagined, just name your "freedom."
Some things for BO to consider
1)What is this board about? Q Research or whatever anyone wants to post no matter how obscene or gross?
2) How wide did Q want the message to go out? Is this possible with all the porn, gore, racist, anti-semitic, etc., sliding that goes on here daily?
3) Why are we supporting this industry? Men like to see boobs. I get it. But you know and everyone knows this is not where it ends. Even if one sticks to just looking at boobs, there is usually a loss of control that occurs in that after looking it becomes difficult to stop. In fact, so many have fallen to where they will give up family, self-respect, and even country for sex. Why is it anti-freedom to say "stick to the topic"?
I personally try to red-pill as I can,, but I can never point anyone to the chans because of this "culture". Is this culture what you want for America? Do you want your daughters and granddaughters to be looked at in the way that the women on this board are viewed - nothing but a sexy piece of ass?
Pornography has nothing to do with Q. If we want to board to grow, we'll move that junk to its own board and keep it away from Q research. If we want to cater to the undisciplined unruly mob that wants to equate slavery to lust to freedom, well, that's the BO's decision to. But note, the "muh bewbs" group have refused to listen to BO, posted their porn, shouted profanities, and have been so disloyal to the cause so as to take their marbles with a big FU and go home. The rest of us have either endured or moved on because we want to save the country. At the end of the day, what kind of individuals do you think Q will reach out to when it comes to reestablishing the form of government that best affects our safety and happiness? Do you think "he" is going to place it back in the hands of the porn peddlers? How is this much different from porn peddling?
Some like to say this is Q's Army of Anons. Armies must have disciple, focus and self-sacrifice if they are to win. Q chose the board because of a relatively lax policing policy that created an environment that he could build the message in without it getting traced or yanked. He knew patriots were here and would be receptive. And he counts on those patriots who will give their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in the fight for freedom. He doesn't count on those whose goal it is to disrupt, slide, littler the board and refuse any kind of discipline one would expect if one were in a standing army. Those are the kind that would be sent to the brig at a minimum.
Your choice, BO as to what the culture will be. I'll keep coming here, and I'll zoom past the images, but just know that the enemies of the nation are emboldened by what they see here because they know normies will not visit. Porn among other things keeps their treachery relatively safe from the eyes of the normies for now and makes us have to work that much harder to get things out. What a waste of the energy of the troops. I hope you'll keep the ban.