Going to hand off some of my tasks to other anons, if they want to take it up.
Tools you might want to consider developing (basic tech specs included):
Online archival status checker:
1) Parses an entire bread
2) Pulls all links (feel free to add in a regex link filter so you can filter out irrelevant links)
3) Checks each link, in turn, against an archive host (EG archive.is, archive.org), to check if they have been archived online
4) If not, archives it
5) Generates a generic status report message that you can then copy and post to that bread (including full bread name) to let anons know you've done an online archive.
Missing bread/duplicate bread detector:
1) Parse catalogue for breads
2) does bread numbering (HK has this built in, so feel free to rip the python code I supplied for this)
3) Highlights missing numbers, duplicates as a 'status report' message (with direct links to dupe threads) which can then be posted to an admin to investigate/solve
One for the JavaScript anons:
Bread filter tool:
1) User supplies URL of bread
2) User has button that says 'update view of bread' (to stop laggy constant real-time updating)
3) Tool returns all posts in a bread that have pertinent research
4) (Optional) Have a set of toggle options that allows you to filter the posts depending on the following options:
[Has link] (allowed/not allowed)
Subset options of [Has link]: Contains archive linkContains old media linkContains image linkOther
[Has no link] (allowed/not allowed)
[File upload only] (allowed/not allowed)
[Contains text] (allowed/not allowed)
[Contains gratitude] (allowed/not allowed)
You can probably think of other options, that's just to inspire.
5) (Optional) Have it work across all breads found on a catalogue (warning: will be extremely slow/laggy, will need serious optimisation)
Bread generation tool (best if kept offline or restricted to qualified bakers only to avoid bad breads):
1) Supply user with a form
2) Form contains fields that the baker can fill in (form should save reoccurring data to save time)
2a) (Optional) Have it so the tool can query a given bread URL to parse in order to pre-load/pre-generate the data in the fields
3) These fields are then used to compile either one or a series of text documents (.txt will suffice) that contain text that can be copy-pasted right into the comment box on 8chan.
This should give you guys some idea how to bring automation to your investigations and research. Once you can filter out the shills entirely, it's game over for them.