I get the entire censorship thing.
But how does it serve Q's initiative here on 8 chan when several anons slide the bread with dozens upon dozens of off topic images or snark bread after bread?
Censirship sucks, no doubt.
But isn't mportant to not let certain goofy namefags or shills to derail or shit post the threads to the point where posdible newbs (((that Q wants awakened btw))) to not come here or quickly leave here thinking this place (((and Q's message))) is nothing more than crazy internet B.S.
Tasteful pics of beautiful women are nice but some people who come here who we wsnt to dpread the word have probably left in droves.
How is that productive or on mission?
You're clearly head injured or simply possess a dangerously low IQ.
This is the type of bread sliding inbred that'll make a newb think this place (((and Q))) is just another crazy internet board with damaged people llittering the place up with the hundreds of daily shit posts that reside in their low IQ mind.
And that anon above is actually a mild shit poster.
Maybe Q prefers these research pages get cluttered up and derailed???
Your fucked up and don't realize it or you're a a purposefully low IQ auto response program.
What is your primary dysfunction?
Sorry…wrong poster. Apologies!
I meant you.
You're fucked up and don't realize it or you're a a purposefully low IQ auto response program.
What is your primary dysfunction?