Hey Q we gonna enough cash to prosecute all these criminals? What’s the “Final Solution” for pedos
Whatever happened to Marla Maples? Now there’s some boobs
No wonder the US is broke….fucking charge this cunt and get the taxpayers money back….Why the fuck are gov employees not held accountable for ripping off the public?
No justice = defenestration
Saw the Trade Center site a month after 9-11….80% of the rubble was gone, probably the fastest job ever completed in NYC
Pedo-Satanists think burning their home state down will make us feel sorry for them.
Burn down Hollywood and the World would be a better place
Electronic warfare
Doctors and quality of life….biggest oxymoron in the World
What a homo
I think Don Jr lurks here
Here ya go whippersnapper
Racist is a made up word used to identify people opposed to communism…..Leon Trotsky coined the term
NYSE overvalued by 50%