You clearly have not read enough. Why were they thrown out? Because they acted as middle men between kings and peasants, doing jobs Christians would not do. Like collecting taxes and acting as mercenaries. They were given writs of privaledge that have them power. Jews despised the agricultural class, and still do. Martin Luther wrote about it extensively.
As for Israel? Peace is Israel's worst enemy. They exist on western subsidies by being continuously under "threats". Oh and reparations for the supposed holohoax. Aside from those points (oh which those are but a sampling), have you watched what happens when someone tries to preach the word of Jesus, or proclaim his name in Jersasalem? Plenty of videos on the violent reaction they receive. And why not?
The jews believe that our messiah is burning in a pot of excremiment. Yet you defend them, why? Because you think Israel is our ally? Have you heard of the USS Liberty? The Mossad connection to JFKs assassination because he was was opposed to Israel gaining nuclear weapons?
Lurk more.