Dear Stephen Miller,
Please stop shitting up the boards with pics of yourself. This is the second warning. Another infraction may result in a referral up HR.
The Management
Dear Stephen Miller,
Please stop shitting up the boards with pics of yourself. This is the second warning. Another infraction may result in a referral up HR.
The Management
Pretty sure that Anti Christ (another christ)
Won't be confessing the world that Jesus Christ is his personal Lord and Savior and that God the Father is God of all and that the Holy Spirit will comfort us.
Try Harder Shlomo
No Idea who that is. But it appears he is also a mystic? Of the agnostic type. I am not agnostic. There is only ONE WAY through the last gate.
Any other way they traveler will be treated as a burglar. (his words not mine)
an evil generation that seeks a sign