Homo women comping board
Leftover Electra complex from the femjoy slag
Planet of the apes
Waste of a summer
All these closet homos bitching their feels in a lawsuit research thread , prol the same soyboys the femjoys molested
I have had to forcibly remove danny from my life multiple times
Including his molestation by joshes aunt , before the Clinton assassination
Beset by the inequalities of the selfish
Shadow death
Yada yada yada
Endless crotch indignities coupled with fascist Dogma from fashionista non sequiters , help support pedogarchy cocaine for tax fraud
Have a hetero available sympathy porn meme for the last of the ciascalps
You are a late faggot, the tides of this board you do not know . You obviously have spurious intentions in your teachings
Portuguese boobs won the war decades ago @ 12step cia brainwashed ass coveting swine
YOU must be the last of the lemmingwinks
Forced crotch politics
Is rape culture
Is raunch culture
Flat White House theory
Surpasses saphos
Seems the progress of humans is hinged on a South American vacation
stiehlt Land, schmuggelt Kokain, isst Kinder, zahlt keine Steuern