Anons, I for one would not miss the bewb pics, as much as I enjoy them. To be honest, I have been battling addiction to Pr0n for going on 20 years, and I felt like I was nearly free of it when I discovered Q. I'm ashamed to admit that the bewb pictures, which I have participated in, has derailed my personal efforts and my research here on multiple occasions.
It's truly evil what we are fighting, and Satan has turned and twisted God's gifts of beauty and sexuality into something grotesque and harmful. It's not about free speech or the 1st amendment, it's dark vs light, good vs evil. I'm ashamed that I have fallen victim to this snare for so long, but I hope we ca try to keep the boards clean. I think that will be important in the coming months.
Now enough of this slide, and back to work!
Captcha confirms Q is Huber, kek!