Rudy G recently tweeted only the word [you]. What if MA and RG are communicating in code? What might they be saying? MA concluded his tweet with [This must end.]
Rudy tells MA that he will tweet a single word. When MA is ready for the [end] he will tweet something leaving out the key word and stating he is ready for the end.
MA is perceived as a black hat / lifetime Democratically associated attorney. But, originally the Stormy Daniels narrative was perceived as POTUS engineered disinformation. If that is true, would POTUS entrust that scheme to a cabal attorney? Or, would he enlist someone looking to get out from under cabal control. Think RR and RM.
Maybe Avenatti was given a chance to "do the right thing," a term Q has used on several occasions. What if Stormy is the person who blew the whistle on the pedo ring in Hwood? Her Wiki bio notes that she got involved in the industry as a late teen. If she was not trafficked herself, she probably knows those who were, as well as those doing it. Sounds far-fetched, but what doesn't until we get sauce. A lot of connections there.
Finally, there is the saying "do the right thing." Admiral Rogers likes movies. Check out The Equalizer with Denzel Washington. He says "do the right thing" several times throughout the movie when giving baddies an opportunity to right their wrongs.