The whole Cohen split was designed to draw out those in the press and others who are aligned against the President and to get them on tape. These tapes were then entered into evidence as part of the ongoing Mueller investigation.
Cohen went from ‘taking a bullet’ to ‘hatred of the trump campaign’,yet nobody has been able to explain exactly why this happened. Trumps opponents were so eager to exploit this rift that they threw caution to the wind, blinded by their desire to find anything that would bring down their enemy. Cohen has expertly played the turncoat and is now seen as a hero to the left.
The Mueller witch hunt narrative already proves that any evidence found in this investigation, is taken as gospel truth by the left. This means any evidence that exposes those against Trump, cannot be spun as propaganda to take out his opponents.
Ask yourself why the outrage from Trump when finding out about ‘secret recordings’. Yet Cohen is known to have used recordings over note taking for decades, and Trump team has waived attorney client privilege.
Why would Trump gloat in a tweet that he has heard that meetings with reporters may have been recorded as well? All recordings are Mueller's evidence remember. Witness Trumps lengthy twitter rant about MSM a few days later.
The way Trump manages to outfox his opponents is remarkable, these people really are stupid.
I believe America has placed a great man in the oval office, and never has a phrase been more applicable to a man than “You magnificent bastard”.