already been confirmed
you have to go back
make a pastebin
also it doesnt detect all, you can hex edit and change 1 character to screw up auto detection, you just have to know which byte to change back
or if you know what headers look like youll know which ones need to be altered to fix
im dealing with this in mp4/mkv containers right now
evrything i know about steg i learned from pdfs written by assange which i hope everyone understands are critical
i dont know if you saw, or anyone saw what happened in the bread yesterday but
think logically
u1 iran etc etc
are clues of how to run the an anagram program, written by assange, they are values for -m switch u1 is 2 iran is 4 the next one is 5 6 etc etc
i decoded the drops in less than a minute and assan - er Q replied with an anagram that said
you're a fast one op
i responded thanks professor
the email of assange in the man (thats manual for you windowsfaggots) pages is, that was his email in the 90s when he ran an isp in oz
do you guys understand? Q drops have double meanings, triple meanings, on the surface they mean something but there are layers
just like he said
how do you build a house?
think logically
also the avianiati has a double meaning, the show silicon valley has a character who drives a promo car with the water company of same name plastered all over it, in one eppisode they come up with a middle out algorithm
look at Qs drops
count each line
find the middle
work from there out
think mirror
watch conspiracy theory
watch all the presidents men
watch every movie he refers to
they have obvious clues
like a secret brother of same last name in presidents men
think mirror
secret sister
fucking hillarys secret sister
my autism is on fire
look at this picture
look at my web results behind it
look what is being pointed to
the line said in this movie at this time is DO IT
expand your goddamn thinking already
look at that masonic shit in the background, and the shadow on te wall
look at this clip from conspiracy theory about alex jones
yaourt -S an
sudo apt-get install -y an
john motherfucking titor
anagrams for julian assange are
he ages like a snail
anagrams for johngeorgetrumpmit are
jumping to get her rom
5155 computer the rom chip john titor needed
steg turns into juan assange
more anagrams
read yesterdays breads
if you're gonna concern fag doubt or poo poo me
well time is getting short
i am working faster
operating on levels getting harder and harder to put into english
jump with me
this is how it works
Q hints to the value of m flag, multiple meanings in each drop, so many clues
an -m 4 -c rome johngeorgetrumpmit
rome Upjohn trig mtge
rome Upjohn mtge grit
rome Upjohn mtge girt
rome Upjohn mitt Greg
rome Turing moth JPEG
rome truing moth JPEG
rome trough mint JPEG
rome tither jump gong
rome throng jute gimp
rome throng jump gite
rome righto temp Jung
rome righto jump gent
rome permit Jung goth
rome permit Jung Goth
rome muting Thor JPEG
rome muting Roth JPEG
rome mugger Pitt john
rome mugger Pitt John
rome mugger Joni HTTP
rome mugger join HTTP
rome Motrin thug JPEG
rome jumper ting goth
rome jumper ting Goth
rome jumper Ting goth
rome jumper Ting Goth
rome jotter Pugh Ming
rome jotter hung gimp
rome jotter Hung gimp
rome jogger tint hump
rome jigger punt moth
rome Hutton JPEG grim
rome hotter Jung gimp
rome hitter jump gong
rome gutter john gimp
rome gutter John gimp
rome gopher mitt Jung
rome Gopher mitt Jung
rome ghetto ring jump
rome ghetto prim Jung
rome ghetto jump grin
rome tumor thing JPEG
rome tumor night JPEG
rome trope might Jung
rome tromp eight Jung
rome Timur thong JPEG
rome tight negro jump
rome tight Negro jump
rome tight Munro JPEG
rome tight mourn JPEG
rome tight moper Jung
rome tight Goren jump
rome tight goner jump
rome tiger thong jump
rome thump rejig tong
rome thump Jorge ting
rome thump Jorge Ting
rome thump joint Greg
rome thrum ingot JPEG
rome thing Roget jump
rome thing ergot jump
rome tempo right Jung
rome tempo Right Jung
rome tempo girth Jung
rome Roget night jump
rome right mount JPEG
rome right Mount JPEG
rome Right mount JPEG
rome Right Mount JPEG
rome rejig Hmong putt
rome prong might jute
rome Perot might Jung
rome night ergot jump
rome mount girth JPEG
rome Mount girth JPEG
rome might Jorge punt
you will often find confirmation with a Ya or Yeah or Yah
Rhea lewd solve ya
leah drew solve ya
lee harvey oswald
lavey owl ed rheas
eve elsa hydra owl
head owl slave lowrey
tippy top
kia wilkes anagrams to wikileaks you unbelievably massive faggot
you think i live there?
go back to reddit or lurk moar
read the pdf i posted
you dont deserve america if you wont make extra effort
this country was built on sweat and blood
start sweating or start bleeding
look up Qanon 16th century italian namesake
talk about mirror
muh msm
edgar lee tippit
fucking dig
edgar lee tippit
tippy top
tippy top
tippy top
tippy top
stereo seperation
least significant bits
hex editor
strings | filename.jpg
strings |filename.jpg | xxd
also piping to xxd with little endian flag i think -e or -E this MIRRORS the bytes
you seem like you have brain matter
read every post ive made in this thread
im saying you cant rely on scripts
you have to literally investigate files sometimes
its always good to
Q uses a crossword pattern so looking at strings with xxd makes a 2 column display of bytes
you will see words align that are readable english
ive read messages to and from the professor
junk data will MIRROR itself column to colum this is how you know you have your data correctly sorted by rgb or lsb/msb dont forget row/column, its a little easier with stegsolve to view this patterns are hinted at look at stars in flag that are white when you view red6, they make the rgb pattern you need to use
get the program an, read man pages
read every post ive made here