Clean boobies, any one?
Because they are to ignorant to realize what beauty it also has.
So you can't filter, mentally filter, or focus your thoughts?
GTFO and back to reddit then.
Working on a collection myself now to use here.
Your the outsider, you leave shill.
>most of them hide the CP behind spoiler images with TY Baker. This is why the nudity ban sort of needed to come in.
Even admitted that stuff used WITH a spoiler still winds them up!
Talk about a fucking shill!!!
Why give them Emergency Relief?
They refuse to hold other laws, but want our tax dollars?
Q this board is comp'ed with anti 1st amendment anons, and is convincing BO & BV's to do their bidding instead of leaving the board to it's own devices as normal.
Any plans on moving?
It's certainly a comp'ed board, has been getting worse the past few weeks, but today has reached an all new high level.
Now see, that IS porn!
There's a huge difference between porn and a nuddy pic, as Al Bundy called them.