Dear Operatives of “Clowns In Action,” Mossad, MI5/6, SIS, and others (you know who you are),
It must be crystal clear now, to you, that, “the plan,” that your employers have attempted to set in motion, would see many, MANY millions of lives lost. Your employers do not care about you, and certainly not your friends and loved ones that YOU are placing in harm’s way. Your employers see you no differently than the cattle rancher sees one of his cows. If you are lost? Oh well.
Your employers have plans to purge a significant portion of humanity, because a significant portion of humanity is now awake. If you or your loved ones are lost in the purge, will your employers care? No. They care for NOTHING except power. They care not for even their OWN offspring.
Whether, “the plan,” includes nuclear weapons, chem/bio agents, conventional warfare, or any other means, you and your loved ones are expendable and no effort will be made to save you. You are nowhere near high enough on the pyramid.
The time is NOW to cease your misplaced loyalty. The time is NOW to turn the tide.
The time is NOW to do your part to protect your loved ones.
You have ALWAYS questioned your loyalty. For good REASON. You are not evil. Your operative colleagues have ALL questioned the Plan. You are not alone.
It is time to turn on the masters. Good luck. And WRWY!