The Media Reports Fake News Because It’s Controlled by Jews
The fake news and anti-American propaganda that is being continually pushed by the media is a Jewish phenomenon. Fake news won’t go away until Jews go away.
The President of the United States Donald J. Trump just had a meeting with A.G. Sulzberger the publisher of the New York Times. Despite their many problems, the New York Times still sets the tone for how much of the news gets covered every single day. The two spent their time discussing the issue of fake news.
Shortly after the meeting, Sulzberger publicly commented about their discussion. He basically whined to Trump that his attacks on them were unfair, that they were undermining democracy and that his comments might cause journalists to die.
The President responded on Twitter and expressed his continued frustration with them and the fake news media as a whole.
He’s right to be frustrated. It’s obvious that the media is not being objective when 90 percent of the coverage he gets is negative. Especially in an environment where lots of positive things have been happening. The growing economy and the productive peace talks with North Korea are just a few to mention.
The amount of negative coverage he’s received is totally unjustifiable. The extreme disparity proves that the media is not doing their job properly. They are not acting as journalists whose job is to inform the public with accurate information. Instead, they are acting as biased propagandists with a specific political agenda.
So why are they so biased? And why are they negatively portraying all of the very positive things Trump is doing for the American people?
These are questions that nobody in the mainstream and few in the alternative media will answer accurately. Conservative commentators explain this phenomenon as the media having a liberal bias. But this is not an accurate explanation and only misdirects people from the truth.
The real problem is that the media is controlled by subversive Jews who are not looking out for the interests of America. The Jews are a tribe of individuals who have been repeatedly removed from many nations. For thousands of years they have shown themselves incapable of integrating into societies because of their parasitical racial nature. They consider themselves to be Jews first and foremost regardless of what country they happen to be living in. So when Trump describes the fake news media as an enemy of the American people he is not wrong. The Jews are definitely an enemy. They’re just an enemy operating from within our own country. There is no denying this.
The Jews represent roughly 2 percent of the American population yet control and influence the biggest media enterprises in the country. It is the primary reason why the media hates Trump and is doing everything they can to remove him from power.
Don’t believe me?
Let’s first look at CNN which is arguably the most anti-Trump cable news network. Most of the high profile people are either Jews, married to Jews or are Jewish converts. It seems like the few who aren’t Jews are deranged faggots like Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper. There’s so many Jews in key positions that it should be declared an Israeli propaganda network by the government and permanently shut down.
Here’s just a small handful of the Wikipedia bios from some of the major figures on CNN.
Jeff Zucker (Jew) Jake Tapper (Jew) Wolf Blitzer (Jew) Gloria Borger (Jew) Dana Bash (Jew) Jeffrey Toobin (Jew) John King (Jew convert) Brian Stelter (Married to Jew, raising kids as Jews)