No more.
This board is anti-freedom plain and simple.
Some of you assholes would prefer to be a dictator and force YOUR personnel way of life down another's throat.
That is just 100% anti-freedom.
Your god damned fucking bible thumpers out there seem to think every thing is about how EVERYBODY is suppose to act, well fucking guess what, the CABAL DID THE SAME SHIT ONLY IN A DIFFERENT DIRECTION!
You fucking bible thumping assholes are leading us into the same shit the cabal used to sucker in so many to do their bidding.
Last time I checked, as long as a person's private and personnel liberty, life, and property are not harmed there is no crime, how in the fuck does boob pics harm your private and personnel liberty, life, or property?
Grow up and learn how to fucking think without infringing another's rights. Until ALL you asswipes learn that, this country will ALWAYS be in peril!